I produced a daily podcast for 41 days in a row besides the stuff i usually do. It was fun, satisfying, lonely and exhausting. And one day i just stopped. I basically relied on a small toolkit. Twitter and TikTok for topics. TTSMP3 for the voices. I will miss Brian and Emma. The Audio Converter was my friend. And if you add 'ss' before the y of youtube, you can download a video in case you did not know. Editing was done with Audacity. Just because i still knew how to use it. Otherwise i probably should have bought Hindenburg.
The start of the project was overambitious. Of course. I underestimated how complicated it is to get people to press a button on WhatsApp to send an audio-file. I asked friends, i asked artists, i asked acquaintances. Man, things went very slow. Recording my own voice proved to be tricky too. Audacity was buggy. The mic not always at hand. And i preferred computer generated voices anyhow.
It was interesting to see if i could come up with an interesting topic each and every day. I thought by just playing around some sort of core product would magically appear one day. I did not spent much time thinking about a target audience or even value for them. I basically just wanted to play around with a mixture of mostly short snippets. Sometimes it worked. And sometimes it clearly did not. Season 01. Let´s see if there will be a season 02. Otherwise i have to start making TikToks. Or i try reading a book. Hello Today - Season 01