A new ultra-short remote workshop while the dishwasher is running and you relax on your sofa.
This Corona-thingy very quickly led to new forms of teaching, doing workshops and consulting via the internet. The most exciting part is paving the ways offside, trying out new stuff. I came up with a mini-series called "future-proof". The pitch in german:
Die technologisch getriebene Entwicklung rast voran. Ständig neue Gadgets, neue Buzzwords und neue Formate. Was gestern noch neu, aufregend und zukunftsfähig glänzte, dümpelt verloren im Internet. Mit der Miniserie „Future Proof“ machen wir Sie zukunftsfit. Endlich mitreden, endlich Entscheidungen treffen und endlich ein bisschen entspannen. Und wissen was wichtig ist. Fallbeispiele, Anwendungsszenarien und das große Ganze – das alles in 30 Minuten. Future Proof – perfekt zum fokussieren.
The idea is to give a quick and informed overview of topics of interest. A short briefing that provides context, best cases, pitfalls and a reading list aka link list that allows for a deep dive. I believe that is something that is urgently needed in a time of constant development. Instead of excited actionism it is about an interested but relaxed observation in order to act instead of react headlessly.
The remote webinar-situation allows for short info-snippets in the evening. Instead of wasting your time on netflix you can get some sort of pressure refueling in the evening when the kids are sleeping, the living room is tidied up and the dishwasher is making reassuring sounds.
Some of the characteristics of future-proof products include a timeless nature, high durability, aesthetic appearances that capture and hold the interest. Ideally, as an object ages, its desirability is maintained or increases with increased emotional attachment.
For a start i am offering three topics: Augmented Reality, Automated Journalism, TikTok. I have been observing all three for quite some time now and want to share first insights in a compressed but edible form.
I will test-run the format in the coming weeks in collaboration with the Akademie für Publizistik in Hamburg and the Forum Journalismus und Medien in Vienna. Both mini-series are in german for a start.
We need to arm ourselves with a ‘future proofing’ approach